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Did you like what I did there? I had this much anticipation, so I made you wait as well.

Then again, I think pretty much everybody who reads this blog knows the result anyway. In case you're wondering what the result I'm referring to, I am of course talking about my degree result.

Well, I have to say it's a big anti-climax, both for you and for me. I think because I'd already pretty much figured out what I was going to get, actually seeing it on the wall didn't really do much for me. It was interesting to have a nosy at what other people got though. I'm shocked at some people's cleverness, and intrigued by other's apparent lack of it. I myself am sat squarely in the middle, and that's better than being on the wrong side of centre, so I'm content.

I'm not particularly happy with what I got for my dissertation, not sure if it was worth it all in the end. Actually yes it was. Gives you something to talk about I suppose. Never mind. Time to move on. Must try harder and all that jazz. Or not try harder and have a life - it's a tough choice, hard to make, it tends to make itself for you. I will try harder... fancy coming out... er yes OK then.

So that's that. And that's me, the graduate. Fancy that.

Until the next time I feel a ramble coming on - Au revoir.

Oh - I got a 2/1.

1 Comment:

  1. emma gambol said...
    what did you get for your dissertation?

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